ASM and Livelihoods

India: Campsite.
India: Campsite.

Mining is not done just by corporations or companies, neither do the practices imply the extraction of highly valuable minerals and metal ores such as gold and gemstones such as diamonds. Throughout the third world, millions of people make a livelihood by extracting minerals through diverse informal practices.

The documents contained under this section resulted from issue-based research and enquiry a the local level. They are composed by individual stakeholders, NGO representatives, experts, resource persons and even photo journalists. They are not only meant for generating information but also to sensitise stakeholders and individuals concerned and to initiate a dialogue on the topic. You can also browse to subsections to learn more about experiences of NGOs and the issue of legality.

TitleYearAuthorCountryTypeKey Words
Artisanal and Small-scale Mining -Chapter 132007MMSDglobalreportenvironment, health, social, partnership, sustainable development
Global report on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining2002Thomas Hentschel, Felix Hruschka, Michael PriesterBolivia, Peru, Germanypublished reportglobal, policy, livelihood, employment, environment, gender, child labour
Stone quarries in Dumka and Pakur2006Ajoy KonarIndiasponsored case studystone quarries, forest dependent people, tribals, west bengal, jharkhand
White Asbestos2006Gopal KrishnaIndiaPublished Article from the Internet, India Togetherasbestos, safety, health, livelihoods