ASM AP Portal

Welcome to the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Asia-Pacific Portal

India: Women miner panning for gold.
India: Women miner panning for gold.

The mandate of ASM Asia-Pacific Portal is to promote knowledge about ASM in the Asia-Pacific region, especially as it applies to poor people’s livelihoods, best practices in environmental care, in policies that work for people as well as for the environment, in creating new approaches that are inclusive, and to promote fellowship and cooperation among those persons and groups interested in poverty eradication and sustainable development.

The ASM Asia-Pacific Portal is the public interface of a loose network of individuals and institutions from different walks of life working on poverty eradication, development and livelihoods in Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) areas and communities throughout the Asia-Pacific region.This group of individuals and institutions was initially established at the CASM Annual General Meeting, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in October 2004, and was consolidated, activated and expanded by the Manila Learning Event, held in Manila, Philippines, in June 2005.

Our Mission

The mission of this portal proposed by the participants at the Manila Learning Event in 2005 is to:

  • Establish better mechanisms for sharing information and advocating better policies and better practices for the sector.
  • Establish more opportunities or venues for the sharing of relevant knowledge and experience within and between different countries and localities of the region.
  • Advocate and disseminate existing models of good practice in the small-scale mining sector through an information network.
  • Bring small-scale mining issues to the attention of donor agencies and non-government organizations, as well as government agencies; and
  • Invite all stakeholders with an interest in the sector to learn from concrete examples of equitable, effective, and sustainable local-level partnerships which include small-scale miners or their communities as a guide to the development of better policy and practice in the different jurisdictions of the Asia-Pacific region. 

This Portal

This portal acts as a clearinghouse of information and mutual exchange of views and opinions amongst the participants. It has been successful in generating knowledge on sustainable livelihoods and resources in the ASM sector by engaging local and national stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific region.

You can either search under a specific resources section for information and uploaded documents or you can use the search function (at the top right hand corner of each page) to search the entire site for uploaded documents using key words for more precise outcomes.