New directions in research on women and gender in extractive industries
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2022, In: The Extractive Industries and Society.

Extractive capital and multi-scalar environmental politics: interpreting the exit of Rio Tinto from the diamond fields of Central India
Chowdhury, A. R. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2021, In: Third World Quarterly. 

Gendered and embodied legacies: Mercury’s afterlife in West Lombok, Indonesia
Lahiri-Dutt, K., Amor, B. & Perks, R., 2021, In: The Extractive Industries and Society.

India’s new coal geography: Coastal transformations, imported fuel and state-business collaboration in the transition to more fossil fuel energy
Oskarsson, P., Nielsen, K. B., Lahiri-Dutt, K. & Roy, B., 2021, In: Energy Research & Social Science. 

Resource politics in Mongolia: Large- and small-scale mines in collision
Lahiri-Dutt, K., Crawford, E., Ratcliffe, J. & Rose, M., 2021, In: Resources Policy.

Bleeding in Public? Rethinking Narratives of Menstrual Management from Delhi’s Slums
McCarthy, A. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstruation Studies. C Bobel, I T Winkler, B Fahs, K A Hasson, E A Kissling, T-A Roberts (ed.). 1st ed. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan,

Ecology, Economy and Society through an Interdisciplinary Lens
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE.

Feminising an ancient human endeavour: Gendered spaced in mining
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, Making Sense of Mining History: Themes and Agendas. Stefan Berger & Peter Alexander (ed.). 1st ed. Oxon: Routledge

Feminising an ancient human endeavour: gendered spaces in mining
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, Making Sense of Mining History: Themes and Agendas. Stefan Berger and Peter Alexander (ed.). 1st ed. United Kingdom: Routledge,

Knowledge Others, Others’ Knowledge: The Need for a New Epistemology of Water
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE.

Living In, and Thinking About, the World in Pandemic Times
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Ecology, Economy and Society – the INSEE.

Producing knowledge of difference, producing different knowledge: Exploring the epistemic terrains of menstruation in India
McCarthy, A. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography.

Revisiting the epistemic terrains of gender, sex, and empowerment through four sites of engagement in India: Introducing a conversation
Lahiri-Dutt, K., Nagar, R., Gilbertson, A., Roy, A. & McCarthy, A., 2020, In: Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography.

Role of rumours and locals’ perceptions on the level of environmental impacts of Lynas Advanced Material Plant, Kuantan, Malaysia
Jamaludin, H., Patunru, A. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Resources Policy. 

Role of rumours and locals’ perceptions on the level of environmental impacts of Lynas Advanced Material Plant, Kuantan, Malaysia
Jamaludin, H., Patunru, A. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Resources Policy.

The act that shaped the gender of industrial mining: Unintended impacts of the British mines act of 1842 on women’s status in the industry
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: The Extractive Industries and Society.

What determines women’s agricultural participation? A comparative study of landholding households in rural India
Pattnaik, I. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2020, In: Journal of Rural Studies.

“Academic War” over Geography? Death of Human Geography at the Australian National University
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, In: Antipode.

DELVE state of the artisanal and small-scale mining sector – India
Lahiri-Dutt, K. & McQuilken, J., 2019, State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector. World Bank Group (ed.). Washington: World Bank Group,

Explaining recent increases in calorie intake in rural India: the role of social policy strengthening
Pritchard, B., Lahiri-Dutt, K. & Siddiqui, M. Z., 2019, In: India Review.

From Incremental Dispossession to a Cumulative Land Grab: Understanding Territorial Transformation in India’s North Karanpura Coalfield
Oskarsson, P., Lahiri-Dutt, K. & Wennstrom, P., 2019, In: Development and Change.

Hirashasan: Governing diamonds in Central India
Chowdhury, A. R. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, In: Geoforum. 

Imaginando los rios (Imagining Rivers)
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, In: Revista Colombiana de Antropologia [Colombian Journal of Anthropology].

Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, Key Thinkers on Development. David Simon (ed.). 2nd ed. New York: Routledge,

The effect of patriarchal norms on women farmers when men migrate: a case study from West Bengal, India
Kilby, P., Mukhopadhyay, R. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, In: Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security.

Women sapphire traders in Madagascar: Challenges and opportunities for empowerment [IN PRESS]
Lawson, L. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2019, In: The Extractive Industries and Society.

Between the Plough and the Pick
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2018, 1 ed. Canberra, Australia.: ANU Press.

Changing water use practices of the urban middle class in India
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2018, India’s Water Futures: Emergent Ideas and Pathways. K. J. Joy, S. Janakarajan (ed.). 1st Edition ed. London: Routledge,

Do Women Have a Right to Mine?
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2018, In: Canadian Journal of Women and the Law.

Extractive peasants: reframing informal artisanal and small-scale mining debates
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2018, In: Third World Quarterly.

India’s resource (inter)nationalism: Overseas mining investments shaped by domestic conditions
Oskarsson, P. & Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2018, In: The Extractive Industries and Society.

In the Realm of the Diamond King: Myth, Magic, and Modernity in the Diamond Tracts of Central India
Lahiri-Dutt, K. & Chowdhury, A. R., 2018, In: Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

The feminization of agriculture or the feminization of agrarian distress? Tracking the trajectory of women in agriculture in India
Pattnaik, I., Lahiri-Dutt, K., Lockie, S. & Pritchard, B., 2018, In: Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy.

An epistemological re-visioning of hybridity: Water/lands
Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2017, Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia: Epistemologies, Practices and Locales. Ravi Baghel, Lea Stepan & Joseph K W Hill (ed.). 1st ed. Longon & New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group Coal for national development in India: Transforming landscapes and social relations in the quest for energy security

Lahiri-Dutt, K., 2017, Industrializing Rural India: Land, policy and resistance. Kenneth Bo Nielsen and Patrik Oskarsson (ed.). 1st ed. London and New York: Routledge